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  • Ӣн Anglo-Chinese Education Consultancy

    English Language B   ӢZZ B




    ԇ}ӢٷA-Levelȫyһĕ} ԓ}20032016ԔɁԃ


    ӢZZB  ӢA-Levelԇ}



    1. Unit 1 Categorizing  texts  Ԫ1 ıԇ}

    2. Unit 1 Categorizing  texts  Ԫ1 ı𰸣

    3. Unit 3 Developing language Ԫ3lչZԣԇ}

    4. Unit 3 Developing language insert

    5. Unit 3 Developing language Ԫ3lչZԣ𰸣


    1. Unit 1 Categorizing  texts  Ԫ1 ıԇ}

    2. Unit 1 Categorizing  texts  Ԫ1 ı𰸣

    3. Unit 3 Developing language Ԫ3lչZԣԇ}

    4. Unit 3 Developing language insert

    5. Unit 3 Developing language Ԫ3lչZԣ𰸣


    1. Unit 1 Categorizing  texts  Ԫ1 ıԇ}

    2. Unit 1 Categorizing  texts  Ԫ1 ı𰸣

    3. Unit 3 Developing language Ԫ3lչZԣԇ}

    4. Unit 3 Developing language insert

    5. Unit 3 Developing language Ԫ3lչZԣ𰸣


    1. Unit 1 Categorizing  texts  Ԫ1 ıԇ}

    2. Unit 1 Categorizing  texts  Ԫ1 ı𰸣

    3. Unit 3 Developing language Ԫ3lչZԣԇ}

    4. Unit 3 Developing language insert

    5. Unit 3 Developing language Ԫ3lչZԣ𰸣


    1. Unit 1 Categorizing  texts  Ԫ1 ıԇ}

    2. Unit 1 Categorizing  texts  Ԫ1 ı𰸣

    3. Unit 3 Developing language Ԫ3lչZԣԇ}

    4. Unit 3 Developing language insert

    5. Unit 3 Developing language Ԫ3lչZԣ𰸣


    1. Unit 1 Categorizing  texts  Ԫ1 ıԇ}

    2. Unit 1 Categorizing  texts  Ԫ1 ı𰸣

    3. Unit 3 Developing language Ԫ3lչZԣԇ}

    4. Unit 3 Developing language insert

    5. Unit 3 Developing language Ԫ3lչZԣ𰸣


    1. Unit 1 Categorizing  texts  Ԫ1 ıԇ}

    2. Unit 1 Categorizing  texts  Ԫ1 ı𰸣

    3. Unit 3 Developing language Ԫ3lչZԣԇ}

    4. Unit 3 Developing language insert

    5. Unit 3 Developing language Ԫ3lչZԣ𰸣


    1. Unit 1 Categorizing  texts  Ԫ1 ıԇ}

    2. Unit 1 Categorizing  texts  Ԫ1 ı𰸣

    3. Unit 3 Developing language Ԫ3lչZԣԇ}

    4. Unit 3 Developing language insert

    5. Unit 3 Developing language Ԫ3lչZԣ𰸣


    1. Unit 3 Developing language Ԫ3lչZԣԇ}

    2. Unit 3 Developing language insert

    3. Unit 3 Developing language Ԫ3lչZԣ𰸣


    1. Unit 1 Categorizing  texts  Ԫ1 ıԇ}

    2. Unit 1 Categorizing  texts  Ԫ1 ı𰸣

    3. Unit 3 Developing language Ԫ3lչZԣԇ}

    4. Unit 3 Developing language Ԫ3lչZԣ𰸣


    1. Unit 1 Categorizing  texts  Ԫ1 ıԇ}

    2. Unit 1 Categorizing  texts  Ԫ1 ı𰸣


    1. Unit 1 Categorizing  texts  Ԫ1 ıԇ}

    2. Unit 1 Categorizing  texts  Ԫ1 ı𰸣


    1. Unit 1 Introduction to the Study of Language Ԫ1ZԌWB (ԇ})

    2. Unit 1 Introduction to the Study of Language Ԫ1ZԌWB ()  


    1. Unit 1 Introduction to the Study of Language Ԫ1ZԌWB (ԇ})

    2. Unit 1 Introduction to the Study of Language Ԫ1ZԌWB ()  

    3. Unit 2 Language and Social Contexts  Ԫ2 ZԺ龳 (ԇ})  

    4. Unit 2 Language and Social Contexts Ԫ2 ZԺ龳 ()

    5. Unit 6 Language Development  Ԫ6Z԰lչ (ԇ})

    6. Unit 6 Language Development  Ԫ6Z԰lչ ()


    1. Unit 1 Introduction to the Study of Language Ԫ1ZԌWB (ԇ})

    2. Unit 1 Introduction to the Study of Language Ԫ1ZԌWB ()  

    3. Unit 2 Language and Social Contexts  Ԫ2 ZԺ龳 (ԇ})  

    4. Unit 2 Language and Social Contexts Ԫ2 ZԺ龳 ()


    1. Unit 1 Introduction to the Study of Language Ԫ1ZԌWB (ԇ})

    2. Unit 1 Introduction to the Study of Language Ԫ1ZԌWB ()  

    3. Unit 2 Language and Social Contexts  Ԫ2 ZԺ龳 (ԇ})  

    4. Unit 2 Language and Social Contexts Ԫ2 ZԺ龳 ()

    5. Unit 5 Editorial Writing  Ԫ5 Փ (ԇ})

    6. Unit 5 Editorial Writing  Ԫ5 Փ ()

    7. Unit 6 Language Development  Ԫ6Z԰lչ (ԇ})

    8. Unit 6 Language Development  Ԫ6Z԰lչ ()



    1. Unit 1 Introduction to the Study of Language Ԫ1ZԌWB (ԇ})

    2. Unit 1 Introduction to the Study of Language Ԫ1ZԌWB ()  

    3. Unit 2 Language and Social Contexts  Ԫ2 ZԺ龳 (ԇ})  

    4. Unit 2 Language and Social Contexts Ԫ2 ZԺ龳 ()





    1. Unit 1 Introduction to the Study of Language Ԫ1ZԌWB (ԇ})

    2. Unit 1 Introduction to the Study of Language Ԫ1ZԌWB ()  

    3. Unit 2 Language and Social Contexts  Ԫ2 ZԺ龳 (ԇ})  

    4. Unit 2 Language and Social Contexts Ԫ2 ZԺ龳 ()

    5. Unit 5 Editorial Writing  Ԫ5 Փ (ԇ})

    6. Unit 5 Editorial Writing  Ԫ5 Փ ()

    7. Unit 6 Language Development  Ԫ6Z԰lչ (ԇ})

    8. Unit 6 Language Development  Ԫ6Z԰lչ ()



    1. Unit 1 Introduction to the Study of Language Ԫ1ZԌWB (ԇ})

    2. Unit 1 Introduction to the Study of Language Ԫ1ZԌWB ()  

    3. Unit 2 Language and Social Contexts  Ԫ2 ZԺ龳 (ԇ})  

    4. Unit 2 Language and Social Contexts Ԫ2 ZԺ龳 ()

    5. Unit 5 Editorial Writing  Ԫ5 Փ (ԇ})

    6. Unit 5 Editorial Writing  Ԫ5 Փ ()



    1. Unit 1 Introduction to the Study of Language Ԫ1ZԌWB (ԇ})

    2. Unit 1 Introduction to the Study of Language Ԫ1ZԌWB ()  

    3. Unit 2 Language and Social Contexts  Ԫ2 ZԺ龳 (ԇ})  

    4. Unit 2 Language and Social Contexts Ԫ2 ZԺ龳 ()

    5. Unit 5 Editorial Writing  Ԫ5 Փ (ԇ})

    6. Unit 5 Editorial WritingPre-release material   Ԫ5 Փ

    7. Unit 5 Editorial Writing  Ԫ5 Փ ()

    8. Unit 6 Language Development  Ԫ6Z԰lչ (ԇ})

    9. Unit 6 Language Development  Ԫ6Z԰lչ ()



    1. Unit 1 Introduction to the Study of Language Ԫ1ZԌWB (ԇ})

    2. Unit 1 Introduction to the Study of Language Ԫ1ZԌWB ()  

    3. Unit 2 Language and Social Contexts  Ԫ2 ZԺ龳 (ԇ})  

    4. Unit 2 Language and Social Contexts Ԫ2 ZԺ龳 ()

    5. Unit 5 Editorial Writing  Ԫ5 Փ (ԇ})

    6. Unit 5 Editorial Writing  Ԫ5 Փ ()

    7. Unit 6 Language Development  Ԫ6Z԰lչ (ԇ})

    8. Unit 6 Language Development  Ԫ6Z԰lչ ()



    1. Unit 5 Editorial Writing  Ԫ5 Փ (ԇ})

    2. Unit 5 Editorial Writing  Ԫ5 Փ ()

    3. Unit 6 Language Development  Ԫ6Z԰lչ (ԇ})

    4. Unit 6 Language Development  Ԫ6Z԰lչ ()



    1. Unit 1 Introduction to the Study of Language Ԫ1ZԌWB (ԇ})

    2. Unit 1 Introduction to the Study of Language Ԫ1ZԌWB ()  

    3. Unit 2 Language and Social Contexts  Ԫ2 ZԺ龳 (ԇ})  

    4. Unit 2 Language and Social Contexts Ԫ2 ZԺ龳 ()

    5. Unit 5 Editorial Writing  Ԫ5 Փ (ԇ})

    6. Unit 5 Editorial WritingPre-release material   Ԫ5 Փ

    7. Unit 5 Editorial Writing  Ԫ5 Փ ()

    8. Unit 6 Language Development  Ԫ6Z԰lչ (ԇ})

    9. Unit 6 Language Development  Ԫ6Z԰lչ ()



    1. Unit 1 Introduction to the Study of Language Ԫ1ZԌWB (ԇ})

    2. Unit 1 Introduction to the Study of Language Ԫ1ZԌWB ()  

    3. Unit 2 Language and Social Contexts  Ԫ2 ZԺ龳 (ԇ})  

    4. Unit 2 Language and Social Contexts Ԫ2 ZԺ龳 ()

    5. Unit 5 Editorial Writing  Ԫ5 Փ (ԇ})

    6. Unit 5 Editorial Writing  Ԫ5 Փ ()

    7. Unit 6 Language Development  Ԫ6Z԰lչ (ԇ})

    8. Unit 6 Language Development  Ԫ6Z԰lչ ()

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