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    英中教育 Anglo-Chinese Education Consultancy


    Derby High School







    Derby High School 德比中學, Hillsway, Littleover,
    Derby DE23 7DT
    Tel: 01332 514267 Fax: 01332 516085
    • GIRLS, 3–18, Day, Boys 3–11 only
    • Pupils 600, Upper sixth 35
    • Termly fees £1820–£2395
    • GSA, Woodard
    • Enquiries/application to the Headmaster’s Secretary

    What it’s like

    Founded in 1892, it is a Woodard girls’ school set in a self-contained suburban site on the outskirts of Derby. The prep and pre-prep schools (which are both co-ed) are distinct, although they are on the same site as the senior school and with a common head. Most of the senior school buildings are purpose built; there has been a great deal of investment including, most recently, a sports hall and sixth form common room. A large proportion of the senior school intake comes from the prep school. Although a Church of England school, children of other religions are welcomed. Examination results are good. Music is strong and there is much success across a range of arts at the Derby Arts Festival. In sport, hockey is particularly successful and each year there are several county and international players. There is successful participation in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme and Young Enterprise. Numerous house competitions including music, drama and a variety of sports.

    School profile

    Pupils & entrance

    Pupils: Total age range 3–18; 600 day pupils (107 boys, 493 girls). Senior department 11–18, 300 girls.
    Entrance: Main entry ages 3–11, 13 and 16. Own entrance exam used; for sixth-form entry, 5 GCSEs at least grade C (grade B in sixth-form subjects). No special skills or religious requirements. 50% of new senior intake from state schools (plus few to sixth form). Up to 60% of senior department from own prep school.

    Scholarships, bursaries & extras
    Up to 15 pa scholarships, value £700–£3000: 4 music, 2 sport, others academic (3–10 at 11, 10 at 16). Usually 3 bursaries for eg children of clergy. Average extras £70 a term; textbooks leased and school buys back.

    Head & staff

    Headmaster: Colin Callaghan, appointed in 2004. Educated at Exeter University (French & German). Previously Deputy Head at Worksop College, taught languages at Royal Hospital School.
    Teaching staff: 35 full time, 15 part time. Annual turnover 10%. Average age 45.

    Exam results

    GCSE: In 2003, 44 pupils in upper fifth: 98% gained at least grade C in 9+ subjects. Average GCSE score 69 (60 over 5 years).
    A-levels: 35 in upper sixth. Average final point score achieved by upper sixth formers 420.

    University & college entrance
    90% of 2003 sixth-form leavers went on to a degree course (15% after a gap year). 15% took courses in medicine, dentistry & veterinary science, 12% in science & engineering, 20% in law, 15% in humanities & social sciences, 10% in art & design, 28% in other vocational subjects. Others typically go on to professional training eg accountancy, engineering.

    GCSE, AS and A-levels. 16+ AS/A-level subjects.
    Sixth form: Most sixth formers take 4 subjects at AS-level, 3 at A-level; in addition, all take AS-level general studies (A-level optional). 40% take science and technology A-levels; 40% arts/humanities; 20% both. Key skills taught as an extension of general studies.
    Vocational: Work experience available. RSA certificate in IT compulsory.
    Special provision: Specialist teaching for dyslexic pupils and for EFL.
    Languages: French compulsory for 3 years, German for 2, then one or both to GCSE; A-level offered in both. Regular exchanges (Germany and France).
    ICT: Taught as a discrete subject (4 lessons per year group). 90 computers for pupil use (7 hours a day), all networked and many with email and internet access. Most pupils take Clait and IBT II.

    The arts

    Music: Up to 50% of pupils learn a musical instrument; instrumental exams can be taken. Some 7 musical groups including orchestra, wind band, choirs, chamber groups etc. 1 pupil in National Youth Orchestra; choir and orchestra perform locally; regular winners at local arts festivals.
    Drama: Drama offered at GCSE. Majority of pupils are involved in school and house/other productions.
    Art & design: GCSE and A-level. Design also offered.

    Sport & activities

    Sport: Hockey, netball, tennis, athletics compulsory. Optional: rounders, squash, aerobics, badminton. Sixth formers only: horse-riding, trampolining, multigym, swimming, sailing. BAGA and RYA exams may be taken. Several county hockey and netball players; U18 county hockey captain.
    Activities: Pupils take bronze, silver and gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. Community service optional. Up to 10 clubs, eg drama, crafts, maths, computing, cookery, various sports and Young Enterprise.

    School life

    Uniform: School uniform worn, varied in the sixth form.
    Houses & prefects: Competitive houses. Prefects, head girl, head of house and house prefects – both Head and school involved in appointments.
    Religion: Attendance at religious worship compulsory although there is an opt-out.
    Social: Some joint activities with local boys’ school. Trips abroad include field courses (to France and Germany), expeditions (to eg South Africa, Brazil, Japan, Mexico), skiing (Austria). Pupils allowed to bring own car or bike to school. Meals self-service. No tobacco allowed; no alcohol (except for sixth form at 2 formal dinners).

    Pupils failing to produce homework once would expect verbal punishment; those caught smoking cannabis on the premises could expect suspension or expulsion, depending on their record.

    Alumni association
    is run by Mrs M Cutts, 67 Blagreaves Lane, Littleover, Derby.



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